Friends of JRP Accepting Nominations for ‘River Heroes’

March 30, 2016 · 0 minute read
2014 River Hero award winners Ralph White (left) and Rich Young.

2014 River Hero award winners Ralph White (left) and Rich Young.

It’s that time of year again for the Friends of the James River Park to bestow upon someone (or more than one someone) their River Hero award. Nominations will be accepted until April 9. Anyone can nominate a hero, so if you have a person in mind more information and the nomination form can be found

In 2011, The Friends of the James River Park launched the River Hero Award to acknowledge and honor individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to James River Park. The award is now called the Ralph White River Hero Award in honor of former Park Manager Ralph White — himself a River Hero Award recipient in 2014. Past recipients’ wide-ranging contributions have included volunteer work, educational efforts, preservation, and promotional activities that encourage responsible use of the Park.

This year’s awards celebration will be held on May 10 at the Troutman Sanders Board Room. Reservation will be accepted between April 10 and May 5. To express your interest in attending this event contact friends@jamesriverpark.organd put River Hero Tickets in the subject line.