Coyote near Huguenot Flatwater boat ramp. Credit: Science in the Park
I’ve lived in neighborhoods by the south bank of the James River for almost 12 years, and during that time there have been periodic whispers of coyotes along the river corridor in the James River Park. There was a the neighbor who claimed they saw one walking the train tracks and the discussion on the neighborhood website about a ‘yote walking down an alley in the middle of the night.
Having talked to many Department of Game and Inland Fisheries biologists over the years, I never doubted that the rumors were true. Coyotes are extremely adaptable animals. They can live and breed in a huge variety of habitats.
Still, the news in this morning’s T-D that a coyote was caught on camera near the Huguenot Flatwater are of the James River Park was very cool news. Kudos go to the Friends of James River park, VCU and the James River Park System for setting up the motion-activated trail cameras that caught the furry critter in action. Those cams have been capturing wildlife going about their business in park units for months, and they’re all available to view at the Friends’ website.
Coyotes in the park — another reason the outdoors scene in Richmond is so cool!