Great way to celebrate the end of summer: Be at Pony Pasture at noon on Saturday to be in a drone photo.
How do you River? That’s the question at the center of a new campaign that launched today from our friends at the James River Association. “How do you River?” is an awareness campaign to promote the need for conservation, stewardship, and recreation along the James River.
“How do you River?” features will feature advertising throughout the Upper, Middle and Lower regions of the James River basin. In addition, a month-long social media contest asks users to take photos of river activities with the hashtag
#howdoyouriver for a chance to win a free
James River Association membership and prize package.
Richmonders will have a unique opportunity to get involved in the How do you River? launch by participating in a drone photo by
Creative Dog Media on
August 29, 2015 at
Pony Pasture in the James River Park System. This is an opportunity to showcase the various ways Virginians enjoy the James, either by paddling, swimming, tubing, resting on its shores or fishing its waters. At
12 pm this Saturday, participants will take to the river to be featured in the overhead photo.
“The James River Association works to connect people of all ages to the James and its tributaries, and to show the many ways in which we can each have a direct impact on the river’s health,” said Bill Street, CEO for the James River Association. “The ‘How do you River?’ campaign celebrates the connections Virginians make with the James and reminds them to enjoy and protect America’s Founding River now and for future generations.”