A rider navigates the Buttermilk Trail, part of the ride course for the ‘King of the James.’ Credit: Megan Davis
When Hunter Davis and Joey Parent finally decided to put on — after many years of talking about it — a run-bike-paddle triathlon on the James River and the trails around it, they didn’t expect all that much. They figured they’d get friends and friends of friends and maybe a few other assorted river lovers to enter. But now, less than 48 hours from the start of the first King of the James event, Davis said he thinks as many as 100 people, some who’ll do the race solo and others in the relay format, could show up Saturday morning at the start line (Reedy Creek entrance to the James River Park).
“I was expecting much less,” Davis said. “I only bought 75 t-shirts. I’m going to have to get some more. It got really big, really quick.”
For more on the race — including a look at the course map — check out the RichondOutside.com post from a couple of weeks ago. The only thing that’s different from when that piece was written, is that now racers must pay a $5 insurance fee. Click here for more on that.
But the King of the James isn’t the only area celebration of outdoors recreation this weekend. I regularly speak with mountain bikers who have no idea that a short(ish) drive out into Goochland County some sweet trails reside at the Boy Scout Camp Brady Saunders near Maidens. Well, if you’re one of those mountain bikers, this weekend would be a great time to discover those trails. Click here for the Facebok event page and all the details, but here’s the bottom line: Sierra Nevada beer garden opens at at 11:30 a.m.; rides start at noon, including guided rides for women; Intergalactic Taco Truck will be on hand selling tacos and burritos; local bike shops and vendors will have bike demos; and the Virginia Off Road Series (VORS) awards ceremony will take place, as well.
Pretty sweet, right? Heck, if you were feeling frisky, you could do the King of the James in the morning, then head of to the Scout Camp Trail Festival in the afternoon. As usual in the fall, it’s shaping up to be a good weekend for outdoors lovers in the RVA.